How to make a DIY projector

DIY projectors are a great way to create a big-screen viewing experience at home without breaking the bank. With a few simple materials and tools, you can create your own projector that will allow you to watch movies, play video games, or even give presentations on a large screen. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of building your own DIY projector, from start to finish.

Projectors have come a long way in recent years, and they’re now more affordable and accessible than ever before. However, even with the advancements in technology, many people still find that buying a commercial projector is out of their budget. That’s where DIY projectors come in. By building your own projector, you can create a high-quality, large-screen viewing experience at a fraction of the cost of a commercial projector.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to make a DIY projector using a few simple materials and tools. We’ll also provide some tips and tricks to help you get the best possible picture quality. Whether you’re an experienced DIY-er or a complete beginner, this guide will help you create your own projector that you’ll be able to enjoy for years to come.

Materials and Tools Needed:

To make a DIY projector, you will need a few basic materials and tools, including:

  • A LCD/DLP projector
  • A magnifying lens (can be purchased online or at a science supply store)
  • A piece of cardboard or foam board
  • A utility knife or scissors
  • Hot glue or duct tape
  • A power drill (optional)
  • A projector screen (optional)

Step 1: Choose a Projector

The first step in making a DIY projector is to choose a projector. For this project, you can use either a LCD or DLP projector. LCD projectors are more commonly used because they’re more affordable and widely available. However, DLP projectors are also a good option, as they tend to have better contrast and color accuracy.

Step 2: Obtain a Magnifying Lens

The next step is to obtain a magnifying lens. This is the lens that will project the image from the projector onto the screen. You can purchase magnifying lenses online or at a science supply store. The lens you choose will depend on the size of the screen you want to create.

Step 3: Create a Projector Housing

Once you have a projector and a magnifying lens, you’ll need to create a housing for the projector. This can be done using a piece of cardboard or foam board. Simply trace the outline of the projector onto the cardboard or foam board and cut it out using a utility knife or scissors. Then, use hot glue or duct tape to attach the projector to the cardboard or foam board.

Step 4: Attach the Magnifying Lens

Next, you’ll need to attach the magnifying lens to the housing. The lens should be positioned in front of the projector lens, and it should be centered and parallel to the projector lens. Use hot glue or duct tape to attach the lens to the housing.

Step 5: Adjust the Focus

Once you have the projector and the magnifying lens attached to the housing, you’ll need to adjust the focus. This is done by moving the projector and the magnifying lens closer together or farther apart until the image is clear and in focus.

Step 6: Mount the Projector

The last step is to mount the projector. You can do this by using a power drill to attach a mounting bracket to the back of the housing, or you can simply place the projector on a stable surface.

Step 7: Enjoy your DIY projector

Once your projector is assembled and adjusted to your liking, you can use it to project images and videos onto a wall or screen.


If you are having trouble getting a clear image, try adjusting the distance between the magnifying lens and the flashlight, or the distance between the lens and the screen. Also, make sure that the flashlight is clean and that the batteries are fresh.

Finally, if you are having trouble getting the lens to focus properly, try using a different magnifying lens, or a different flashlight.

In conclusion, building a DIY projector is a fun and rewarding project that can be done with relatively inexpensive materials. With a little patience and some troubleshooting, you can create a projector that will allow you to enjoy your favorite videos and images in a new and exciting way.

How to make projector without magnifying glass

Making a projector without a magnifying lens is possible, but it may require a bit more technical expertise and specialized materials. Here are the steps you can follow to build a projector without a magnifying glass:


  • A high-brightness LED or LCD screen
  • A focusing lens (such as a convex lens or a Fresnel lens)
  • A cardboard or plastic box
  • Black paint or black electrical tape
  • A power source (such as a battery or a power adapter)


Step 1: Gather your materials

Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary materials on hand. You will need a high-brightness LED or LCD screen, a focusing lens, a cardboard or plastic box, black paint or black electrical tape, and a power source.

Step 2: Paint the inside of the box black

To create the best image possible, the inside of your projector should be as dark as possible. Use black paint or black electrical tape to cover the inside of the box, making sure to cover all surfaces, including the sides and bottom.

Step 3: Attach the LED or LCD screen

Place the LED or LCD screen inside the box and connect it to the power source. Make sure the screen is facing toward the lens.

Step 4: Attach the focusing lens

Place the focusing lens on the front of the box, so that it is centered over the LED or LCD screen. Use a hot glue gun or any other adhesive to attach the lens securely in place.

Step 5: Adjust the focus

Turn on the LED or LCD screen and place a piece of white paper or a whiteboard in front of the projector. Use the focusing lens to adjust the focus of the image. You can do this by moving the lens forward or backward until the image is as clear as possible.

Step 6: Enjoy your DIY projector

Once your projector is assembled and adjusted to your liking, you can use it to project images and videos onto a wall or screen.


If you are having trouble getting a clear image, try adjusting the distance between the focusing lens and the LED or LCD screen, or the distance between the lens and the screen. Also, make sure that the LED or LCD screen is clean and that the power source is providing enough power.

In conclusion, building a projector without a magnifying glass can be a bit more challenging, but it is possible with the right materials and some technical expertise. With a little patience and some troubleshooting, you can create a projector that will allow you to enjoy your favorite videos and images in a new and exciting way.

How to make a homemade projector with a glass cup

Creating a homemade projector with a glass cup is a simple and inexpensive way to project images and videos. Here are the steps you can follow to build a projector using a glass cup:


  • A glass cup
  • A high-brightness flashlight or a smartphone
  • A piece of white paper or a whiteboard
  • Tape or glue (optional)


Step 1: Gather your materials

Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary materials on hand. You will need a glass cup, a high-brightness flashlight or a smartphone, a piece of white paper or a whiteboard, and tape or glue (optional).

Step 2: Position the glass cup

Place the glass cup upside down on a table or a flat surface.

Step 3: Position the light source

Position your high-brightness flashlight or smartphone behind the glass cup, shining the light through the bottom of the cup. You may need to use tape or glue to hold the light source in place.

Step 4: Adjust the focus

Turn on the flashlight or start playing a video on the smartphone. Place a piece of white paper or a whiteboard in front of the projector. Adjust the distance between the glass cup and the light source, and between the glass cup and the screen, until the image is as clear as possible.

Step 5: Enjoy your DIY projector

Once your projector is assembled and adjusted to your liking, you can use it to project images and videos onto a wall or screen.


If you are having trouble getting a clear image, try adjusting the distance between the glass cup and the light source, or the distance between the cup and the screen. Also, make sure that the glass cup is clean and that the light source is bright enough.

In conclusion, building a projector with a glass cup is a simple and inexpensive way to project images and videos. With a little patience and some troubleshooting, you can create a projector that will allow you to enjoy your favorite videos and images in a new and exciting way. Keep in mind that the image quality and brightness won’t be as good as a professional projector and it’s a cheap alternative for a one-time use or emergency.

Jonathan Holmes
Jonathan Holmes is a projector enthusiast and expert based in the United Kingdom. As the founder and editor of, Jonathan provides detailed buying guides, reviews, and advice to help consumers find the perfect projector for their needs. With over a decade of experience testing and researching projectors, Jonathan takes pride in being an industry insider. He stays up-to-date on all the latest projector models and technologies to provide readers with accurate, hands-on information.